Sunday, 25 March 2012

Jersey, JSON and JUnit

In a previous blog entry I got a simple, HelloWorld, Jersey web service working.  Expanding on that, I created a slightly more complex web service that calculates the area of a square, rectangle or triangle.

You can download the completed project here

The slightly more complex web service incorporated the following:

  • read parameters from the path
  • return the result in JSON format
  • unit tests


The parameters are distinguished in the path attribute by the "{" and "}" braces. In the method signature they are referenced by the @PathParam annotation and the variable name. Example:
    public String calculateRectangle(@PathParam("width") double width, @PathParam("height") double height) {
        double result = calculator.calculateRectangle(width, height);
        return formatter.formatAsJson(result);


Jersey provides 3 ways of working with JSON:
  • POJO support 
  • JAXB based JSON support 
  • Low-level, JSONObject/JSONArray based JSON support
In my case I used the Low-level method as my needs were very basic and this seemed the simplest approach.

  JSONObject format = new JSONObject();
  format.put("result", value);
  return format.toString();

You will need to include the "jersey-json" dependency in your pom.xml file to use the JSON support.

Unit Testing

Unit testing was pretty easy.  Jersey provides several test frameworks to choose from.  I used the inmemory framework. 


Accessing the Web Service

Examples of accessing the 3 area calculations:

Example: http://localhost:8080/calculate/area/square/4
Result: {"result":16}

Example: http://localhost:8080/calculate/area/rectangle/4/2
Result: {"result":8}

Example: http://localhost:8080/calculate/area/triangle/4/3
Result: {"result":6}

Well that's it for now.  Next step is to figure out how to write an iPhone app to access this web service.

References - Jersey user's guide.

Thursday, 8 March 2012


Well, that was a lot, but I finally got my "hello world" restful web service using jersey completed.  A long the way I delved into jersey, tomcat, git, github and developing on a mac.  One of the biggest hurdles was the context swapping as I usually could only work for a short time and could go a day or more without working on it.

But, I got "hello world" working.  Next stop, modifying the web service to actually do something!  I'm going to make a temperature converter.

Ignore files from Git

I've created my hello project and want to put it into Git.  All the online tutorials I read start with the same commands when creating a project:

git init
git add .

However, doing this will result in adding files and directories I do not want to commit. Fortunately, you can setup exclusions with git. There are several ways to do exclusions.  I used the method of adding a global exclusion file:

git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.global_ignore

This command sets up a global exclude file named ".global_ignore". So, any project I setup with git will use the exclusions I define in that file.

Here is what is in my .global_ignore file:

#generic files to ignore

#Java files



Now, when the "git add ." command is run, only my source files are marked for addition.

# On branch master
# Initial commit
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git rm --cached ..." to unstage)
# new file:   README
# new file:   pom.xml
# new file:   src/main/java/foo/bar/
# new file:   src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
# new file:   src/main/webapp/index.jsp

References: - MAN page for gitignore - A collection of useful .gitignore templates - GitHub's help page for gitignore

How to create a web service using Jersey, Maven and Tomcat

This post will describe how to create a "HelloWorld" web service using Jersey, Tomcat and Maven.  The finished project can be downloaded from GitHub at

Technologies used

The following technologies were used.
  • Tomcat (version 7.0.26 was used with this project)
  • Maven (version 3.0.3 was used with this project)
  • An IDE of your choice - I'm using IntelliJ ( community edition)
  • Jersey - but we will get it using Maven.

Create the maven project

Create a new maven web-app archetype project either through your IDE (if it supports Maven integration) or via the command line.  If you are using the command line, the command will be:

mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=hello -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp

After creating the project you should see a directory structure like the following:

Add the Jersey dependencies

Next modify the pom.xml file to include the jersey dependencies.

Note: In the latest release of jersey the com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer class has been moved, so the jersey-servlet dependency is now required.  If you do not include the dependency you will get a nasty "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer" error in your tomcat log file.

The decencies section of the pom.xml file should look like this:

Create the web-service

Next create the java web-service class.  This is known as the "Root Resource Class" and is a POJO that is annotated with a @Path or has a method annotated with the @Path or a request type (i.e. @GET).

Here is the HelloWorld class I created:



public class HelloWorld {

    public String sayHtmlHello() {
        return "Hello!Hello, hello! ";

The "Path" annotation indicates the URI this class will be available at relative to your base URL. For example, if this web-app is launched at localhost using a context of "hello" and no URL pattern is defined in the web.xml servlet mapping section, then the web service will be available at http://localhost:8080/hello/world.

The "GET" annotation indicates this method will respond to HTTP Get requests.

The "Produces" annotation indicates the MIME response the method will return.

Setup the web.xml file

Next, the web.xml file needs to be setup. Here is mine:

<web-app xmlns:xsi=""
         id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5" >
     <servlet >
         <servlet-name >HelloWorld Jersey Service </servlet-name >
         <servlet-class >com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer </servlet-class >
         <init-param >
             <param-name > </param-name >
             <param-value > </param-value >
         </init-param >
         <load-on-startup >1 </load-on-startup >
     </servlet >
     <servlet-mapping >
         <servlet-name >HelloWorld Jersey Service </servlet-name >
         <url-pattern >/* </url-pattern >
     </servlet-mapping >
 </web-app >

The web.xml file does the following:
  •  The init-param tells the jersey ServletContainer to look for our Root Resource Class (i.e. our HelloWorld class) in the package. There are other ways to register this; see the jersey documentation for more details
  • Loads the ServletContainer at startup.  A value of 1 indicates the ServletContainer is a high priority servlet to load
  • The url-pattern can be used to define your URL. For example, running local host with a context of "hello" and path annotation of "world" on the HelloWorld class:

Build the project

If you use maven from the command line then use the following to build the project:

mvn package

Otherwise, use your IDE to do the maven package phase. Either way, the result should be a hello.war file created in the target directory.

Deploy to Tomcat

There are several ways to deploy the hello.war file to Tomcat. See the Tomcat Documentation for the option best for you.

For myself, I just dropped the hello.war file into the CATALINA_HOME/webapps  directory and started tomcat up.

View the web service

Point a browser to http://localhost:8080/hello/world and you should see the output of "Hello, hello!"


Help documents and tutorials for jersey:

Overview of what a Restful web service is:

Technologies used:

Monday, 5 March 2012

Git Git Git

I want to set up version control for my little project as well.  Over the years I've used Visual Source Safe, StarTeam, and  Subversion.  For this project I'm going to use Git.


  • I haven't used Git before, and it seems to be a popular VCS choice these days.
  • I want to share my final project and GitHub provides free hosting for public projects.  
  • Xcode prompts you to setup your project in Git.  
So, Git it is!

I followed the steps on GitHub and found the to be pretty straight forward. has a good overview of what Git is and how it works.  I didn't follow the installations steps on that site though.  I just went to the Git site and downloaded it, setup was easy.

Well, I got everything setup on GitHub next step will be to get my project setup and committed!

Friday, 2 March 2012

Formatting code on blogger using prettify

I want to post code snippets onto blogger, but plain text code is boring to look at.  Example:

public class HelloWorld {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Hello World");

Doing a quick google search brought me to prettify (  It provides javascript and css files for formatting code on a web page.

On blogger you can edit the html and link to third party javascript/css files.  Here is how:

  • Log into blogger
  • Go to Template -> Edit Html
  • Read the warning and then click 'Proceed'
  • In the <head> section add the following:
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

  • Then change the body tag to contain the following:
<body onload='prettyPrint()'>
  • Click save and now you are ready to use the <pre class="prettyprint"> </pre> tag.
Now in a post, click on the html tag and try out the tags. Example:
public class Hello {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    System.out.println("Hello World!");