I'm going to use Jersey (http://jersey.java.net/) to build my web service and Apache Tomcat (http://tomcat.apache.org/) as my web server. The web service is a servlet and Tomcat is a servlet container.
I'll get tomcat installed first. I'm going to install it locally so I can test it locally. I'll figure out how to run it on AWS later. I'm using Tomcat 7. The instructions on how to install tomcat are pretty straight forward on the Tomcat site. I'm using a Mac Book to develop on and did the following steps:
- Downloaded the core.tar.gz from http://tomcat.apache.org/download-70.cgi
- Un packed it to a convenient location on my machine
- In the bin directory of the tomcat directory created a setenv.sh file with the following in it:
CATALINA_HOME = /path/to/apache/apache-tomcat-7.0.26
where /path/to/apache is your path to where ever you installed tomcat.
- in a terminal shell executed the command ./startup.sh (found in the tomcat/bin directory)
- navigated to http://localhost:8080/ in a browser and voila I see the tomcat startup screen!
Well, the baby is waking up. So that's all for today. The grammar in this post is probably bad, but I got tomcat installed!